#sh vlan
Codes: * - Default VLAN, G - GVRP VLANs
Q: U - Untagged, T - Tagged
x - Dot1x untagged, X - Dot1x tagged
G - GVRP tagged, M - Vlan-stack
NUM Status Description Q Ports
* 1 Inactive
2 Inactive U Te 5/0,3
3 Inactive U Te 5/1-2
(conf)#int vlan [entry id]
(conf)#int vlan 4
FORMAT: (conf-if-vl-4)#int rang te [slot] /[port] – [port]
(conf-if-vl-4)#int rang te 10/0 - 3
(conf-if-range-te-10/0-3)#no shut
03:16:50: %RPM0-P:CP %IFMGR-5-ACTIVE: Changed Vlan interface state to active: Vl 1
- Add a new entry to Vlan table
(conf)#int vlan [id]
(conf)#int vlan 4
(conf-if-vl-4)#untag ten 10/0
03:17:38: %RPM0-P:CP %IFMGR-5-ACTIVE: Changed Vlan interface state to active: Vl 4
(conf-if-vl-4)#untag ten 10/3
#03:18:07: %RPM0-P:CP %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console
#sh vlan
Codes: * - Default VLAN, G - GVRP VLANs
Q: U - Untagged, T - Tagged
x - Dot1x untagged, X - Dot1x tagged
G - GVRP tagged, M - Vlan-stack
NUM Status Description Q Ports
* 1 Active U Te 10/1-2
2 Inactive U Te 5/0,3
3 Inactive U Te 5/1-2
4 Active U Te 10/0,3
FORMAT: (conf)#int range ten [slot]
/[port] - [port] // Need space -
(conf)#int range ten 10/0 - 3
(conf-if-range-te-10/0-3)#mtu 9252
#sh int tengiga | grep line-rate|TenGi
#sh int tengiga 10 | grep line-rate|TenGi
TenGigabitEthernet 10/0 is up, line protocol is up
Input 9956.00 Mbits/sec, 248909 packets/sec, 99.90% of line-rate
Output 9956.00 Mbits/sec, 248899 packets/sec, 99.90% of line-rate
TenGigabitEthernet 10/1 is up, line protocol is up
Input 9956.00 Mbits/sec, 248898 packets/sec, 99.90% of line-rate
Output 9956.00 Mbits/sec, 248909 packets/sec, 99.90% of line-rate
TenGigabitEthernet 10/2 is up, line protocol is up
Input 9956.00 Mbits/sec, 248909 packets/sec, 99.90% of line-rate
Output 9956.00 Mbits/sec, 248898 packets/sec, 99.90% of line-rate
TenGigabitEthernet 10/3 is up, line protocol is up
Input 9956.00 Mbits/sec, 248898 packets/sec, 99.90% of line-rate
Output 9956.00 Mbits/sec, 248909 packets/sec, 99.90% of line-rate
- Delete an entry in Vlan table
(conf)#no int vlan [id]